November 4, 2007

XHTML template for blogger / blogspot users

It is true that widget type, XML templates for blogspot are easy to use. But the advantage of XHTML template over XML templates is we can easily customize the template by just using Notepad or WordPad (Windows). If you have a little knowledge about CSS and all you can make it beautiful.
1. Freelayout
2. Bloggero
3. Gecko and fly
4. Pannasmontata
5. Freeskins
6. Facesofyve
7. Simple-blogskin

8. Templates.arcsin
9. Idwebtemplate
10. Template shown below contact me
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    1. Great work. Thanks a lot.I already sent an email to you for the template

    2. i also pimp a css template into xml blogger template. you might see at

    3. hi i like the tenth template. can i get it for free?

    4. Hi

      i want to share my some free templates. hope you like it.

