September 9, 2010

How to use Windows 7 without activation for a year

To use Windows 7 you must have to activate it within 30 days of installation, otherwise it will goes to reduced mode and after that it will stops working. However, here is a trick to use Windows 7 for a year without activation.

Probably, you might have heard about a tweak that increases the 30 days time limit to 120 days (4 months). To do so, follow as described below.

  1. Click on Start Menu - All Programs - Accessories and then right clicks on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Now type-in the following command: slmgr –rearm and hit enter. You’ll be prompted to restart the PC. Upon restart you can use Windows 7 for 120 days without activation.
Now how to use Windows 7 for one year without activation? For that carefully read below tips.

  1.  Click Start - Run - type regedit to open the registry editor. In the registry editor Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / NTCurrentVersion/ SoftwareProtectionPlatform.
  2. Now, look for the SkipRearm in the right hand pane and change its D value to 1 and close the registry editor. (See screenshot below)
Now you can use the slmgr-rearm command as described above 8 times more. That means you can use your Windows 7 for 360 more days without activation. (via)