Windows operating system becomes slower and slower with time. There are several reasons for this, such as installation and removal programs, virus and malware attack and many other reasons. In most cases, requires a re installation of the operating system to fix these problems.
Here is a tiny tool - Dial-a-fix, which can be used for correcting various problems in Win 32 versions of Windows such as Blank page, or 'Page cannot be displayed' while trying to access Windows Update, SSL/HTTPS problems in general (can't access secure websites, such as banks), Script engine issues, such as a blank page on Windows XP's 'User Accounts' or Search Companion, etc and more...

Although this tool is ordinarily meant for power users, technicians, and administrators, it is quite safe to use even without technical guidance (although guidance is recommended). Simply choose the solutions you wish to apply via checkmarks, and click GO.(source)
Thanks for this great info
ReplyDeleteGood application and really useful. This helps me a lot