January 5, 2008

Do you own a blog? Make money online with contests

Recently I received an email from Gyutae saying that he started another contest on his blog - Winning the Web, and this time the contest is a competition with Tyler Cruz, another similar blog.

The contest is simple, just write a blog post on your blog about two and decide to vote for and say why (Complete guidelines here). You have a chance to win $100, if your name is drawn (total three $100 prizes)

Even though both blogs are similar in nature and found TyleCruz has little more feed reader than Gyutae, this time I decided to vote for Gyutae’s WinningTheWeb, because I already have subscription with his blog WinningTheWeb. At the same time TyleCuz.com is new to me.

So, if you decided to participate in the contest, just visit WinningTheWeb or TylerCruz.com for complete details

1 comment:

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