August 11, 2007

Take X-ray of Web Page Element

XRAY is a free cross browser tool that lets you see the box model in action for any element, letting you see beneath the skin of any web page.

Just click XRAY button to get answer for questions like where is the top and left of this element? How big is each margin? How big is the padding? How wide and high is the content box? Etc.

Installation: Bookmark XRAY in your browser. Just drag the XRAY marked box to bookmarks or right click the button and choose bookmark option.

XRAY currently supports Safari 2 and 3 on Mac OS X, Mozilla based browsers (Firefox, Camino) on Mac OS X and Windows and Safari 3 for Windows. At present it won't work on Internet Explorer and Opera.

Working: Load any page in a browser. Wait for the page to fully load. Hit the XRAY bookmark and wait for the bookmark to fully load. Click on any elements on the page to XRAY them.

1 comment:

  1. k what types of the questions this xray can answer
